Look ... you take your hard earned time and money to record, mix, master, and produce your music. You take the time to make sure that your cover art and graphics are just right. Blood, sweat, and tears go into every detail of your music to make sure everything is perfect. When you finally get your hands on your produced CDs and cassettes everything is just right ... except for that one small detail. Don't make the mistake of letting your music just sit in your closet because no one will sell your music in their stores or catalogues. You will need bar codes at some point if you're really planning on selling your music to the masses. Just as Chris experienced, without bar codes most stores and distributors won't touch your music (except maybe the occasional local indie store that sells all the way cool underground indie bands and loves to get the low-fi basement stuff straight from your 4-track). But anyway ... without bar codes there is a good chance your CDs and cassettes will sit and collect dust.
After all the effort you've gone through to put out your music, the last thing you want is to have it sit and do nothing. Independent Records gives you the backing of a record label which you can use in conjunction with other indie labels for your own distribution purposes. We can legitimately generate and assign a bar code for your music through IR and if you have e-mail it's easy. Independent Records also provides a list of website and graphic design, web hosting, distribution, and mastering services through our list of recommended providers. Follow the links to find out more.
Look ... if there is anything you take away from our site let it be this. Don't make the same mistake Chris and a lot of other people have done with their music! Don't short change yourself after all the time you've put in to get it right! Get your bar codes! Do it through us, do it on your own, do it through someone else even ... but just do it! It's important if you plan on selling your music successfully! While IR would obviously like to make a little money providing the use of our label for you, we also want to help you guys (and gals) get your music out on your own regardless of whether you use IR or not. That's what we're here for. We'll help you get there, and if you have any questions you can always e-mail us. We'll be more than happy to help you. Thanks.